[REL] Ditte Menneskebarn AKA Ditte, Child of Man (1946)
[REL] Ditte Menneskebarn AKA Ditte, Child of Man (1946)
This is an most excellent movie about human destinies (and tragedies!) in old Europe when poor people were still poor people, centering on the life of Ditte, a young Danish girl in the countryside. Watching this movie is a heart-wrenching experience, and it is only too clear why this movie is conventionally observed to be one of the greats in international movie history, despite the "unpopular" black/white format. This is a remarkable and realistic view on life and European (read:white western) common history, the history of the poor people in the European country side, made while it was still remembered! This is an experience that will make you grow as a person. This is a must see film!
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I would endorse the comments about being realistic - in parts quite brutal (attempted rape), in other parts unbelievably sweet (older sister sings out in the countryside). Girls are about 5/6 and 14/15, very cute, wear dresses I suppose were typical for this time. Some scenes for ot peeps.
This is an most excellent movie about human destinies (and tragedies!) in old Europe when poor people were still poor people, centering on the life of Ditte, a young Danish girl in the countryside. Watching this movie is a heart-wrenching experience, and it is only too clear why this movie is conventionally observed to be one of the greats in international movie history, despite the "unpopular" black/white format. This is a remarkable and realistic view on life and European (read:white western) common history, the history of the poor people in the European country side, made while it was still remembered! This is an experience that will make you grow as a person. This is a must see film!
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I would endorse the comments about being realistic - in parts quite brutal (attempted rape), in other parts unbelievably sweet (older sister sings out in the countryside). Girls are about 5/6 and 14/15, very cute, wear dresses I suppose were typical for this time. Some scenes for ot peeps.
Re: [REL] Ditte Menneskebarn (1946)
Thanks billanben
I missed this one.
I missed this one.
Re: [REL] Ditte Menneskebarn (1946)
billanben wrote:...This is an experience that will make you grow as a person...
Pix [from the DVD art]:
Looks like a good movie, thanks billanben!