!, 4 January 2006
Author: Valdemar Villadsen from Denmark
Fantastic movie, but sadly overlooked. Just like Hans Christian Andersen, the makers of this movie, knows how to work with both sorrow
and happiness while still be able to make it interesting for both children and adults. When a movie are including scenes who could easily
fit into a scary Bergman movie, while it never stops being appealing to children, we're dealing with something very special - in fact
we're dealing with a masterpiece! The movie is VERY original, and the director has tremendous courage to work with so
different genres and atmospheres all in the same movie. And the best part is that he manages to make the transitions seem natural. Brilliant!
Borrowed this fantastic movie earlier this year. Included on the DVD was a Making of-featurette, that i found out was worth a release...
Might be that it should be moved to documentaries-section, but up to mods to decide.
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Even if the avi is bigger size, the mkv is best quality in regard to filesize. Something in audiotrack made the avi-rip oversized.