The movie revolves around a group of nine-year-old kids, Frida (the brawny red-head) being the leader. She and her two girl friends have a secret spy group that branches out to include a boy with a video camera (it's been so long since I've seen the movie that I forgot his name. It's listed above in the cast review.) They put him through a brief initiation and Frida seems to have a crush on him as they share a childish on screen smooch. Then the spies meet up and end up going on a walk through the park with Frida's dog. I recall that there is an interesting scene with a seemingly dead hobo and a policeman on a bike falling in a lake at this point. Next, Frida's dog runs off and sneaks into a factory that creates bogus weight loss products. The kids explore until they hear the boss coming, and sneak out just in time but the dog's collar is left in a machine for the headman to find. He reads the address on the tag and sends his airhead niece and lone dip-sh*t employee to scout the house. They then proceed to break into Frida's house, conveniently coming upstairs from the basement just in time to discover her sleepwalking and peeing on a living room chair. The child screams and the crooks escape, not without a comedic fall down the stairs. The boss demands they go back, and this time they come during the day when Frida's parents and grandparents are gone. The boss rings the doorbell dressed as a goofy salesman and Frida and friends sneak out the back, only to be snatched by the two minions. Then a wild goose chase persists, eventually with the children outsmarting them in a series of funny events. You'll have to watch the film to see the final outcome.