[REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)


Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

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:) Very nice, thank you.
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by idler »   12 likes

Strange. In October 2006, I burned 7 French episodes of this series; I picked it up here at FLM. The thread disappeared apparently; can't have anything to do with the server troubles of February 2006!

Here ist the matching S03E01 and the missing S03E02:
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by idler »   12 likes

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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by StephenMalkmus »   0 likes

Controversial scenes
Unknown episode: bathtub scene with Babou (10-year-old Joséphine Serre), seen shirtless.

In which episode of Julie Lescaut , she is shirtless ?
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by ARTHORIUS »   14 likes

StephenMalkmus wrote:Controversial scenes
Unknown episode: bathtub scene with Babou (10-year-old Joséphine Serre), seen shirtless.

In which episode of Julie Lescaut , she is shirtless ?
So Joséphine Serre [10] Babou (Episodio TV: Julie Lescaut) (1992)

and from IMDB

Season 1, Episode 1: Julie Lescaut
Original Air Date—9 January 1992
Josephine Serre - as Babou

Then i've understand that in 1st season there is only one episode. From imdb and RFF she appeared only in this episode the i think is it.
So if anyone have can share this for approval.

Or maybe these are the all 59 episodes when she appeared on the series...
1.Julie Lescaut (9 January 1992) - Babou
2.Police des viols (6 May 1993) - Babou
3.Harcèlements (3 June 1993) - Babou
4.Trafics (7 October 1993) - Babou
5.Ville haute, ville basse (6 January 1994) - Babou
6.Rapt (3 February 1994) - Babou
7.La mort en Rose (3 March 1994) - Babou
8.Tableau noir (5 May 1994) - Babou
9.Ruptures (9 June 1994) - Babou
10.L'enfant témoin (3 October 1994) - Babou
11.Charité bien ordonnée (31 October 1994) - Babou
12.Rumeurs (16 February 1995) - Babou
13.Week-end (30 March 1995) - Babou
14.Recours en grâce (18 May 1995) - Babou
15.La fiancée assassinée (28 September 1995) - Babou
16.Double rousse (19 October 1995) - Babou
17.Bizutage (23 November 1995) - Babou
18.Propagande noire (29 February 1996) - Babou
19.Crédit revolver (28 March 1996) - Babou
20.La fête des mères (25 April 1996) - Babou
21.Femmes en danger (3 October 1996) - Babou
22.Le secret des origines (7 November 1996) - Babou
23.Travail fantôme (13 March 1997) - Babou
24.Abus de pouvoir (17 April 1997) - Babou
25.Cellules mortelles (25 September 1997) - Babou
26.Mort d'un petit soldat (23 October 1997) - Babou
27.Question de confiance (20 November 1997) - Babou
28.Les fugitives (16 April 1998) - Babou
29.Bal masqué (24 September 1998) - Babou
30.Piège pour un flic (26 November 1998) - Babou
31.Arrêt de travail (18 February 1999) - Babou
32.Interdit au public (29 April 1999) - Babou
33.L'affaire Darzac (28 October 1999) - Babou
34.L'inconnue de la nationale (6 January 2000) - Babou
35.L'école du crime (17 February 2000) - Babou
36.Délit de justice (23 March 2000) - Babou
37.Les surdoués (27 April 2000) - Babou
38.L'ex de Julie (31 August 2000) - Babou
39.Destins croisés (28 September 2000) - Babou
40.La nuit la plus longue (19 October 2000) - Babou
41.La mort de Jeanne (26 October 2000) - Babou
42.Soupçon d'euthanasie (30 November 2000) - Babou
43.Le voyeur (1 January 2001) - Babou
44.La tentation de Julie (1 January 2001) - Babou
45.Le secret de Julie (15 March 2001) - Babou
46.À couteaux tirés (3 May 2001) - Babou
47.Beauté fatale (31 May 2001) - Babou
48.Disparitions (5 July 2001) - Babou
49.Récidive (18 October 2001) - Babou
50.Une jeune fille en danger (2 May 2002) - Babou
51.Amour blessé (4 July 2002) - Babou
52.Jamais deux sans trois (5 September 2002) - Babou
53.Pirates (2 October 2002) - Babou
54.Soupçons (27 October 2002) - Babou
55.Vengeances (18 February 2003) - Babou
56.Hors-la-loi (13 November 2003) - Babou
57.Un homme disparaît (26 February 2004) - Babou
58.Secrets d'enfants (3 June 2004) - Babou
59.Le mauvais fils (24 June 2004) - Babou

So the ref tell josephine serre was 10 when she is shirtless so...she is born December 14, 1982 then i think is JULIE LESCAUT...
anyone can confirm?

the link is this

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Julie Lescaut 1x01 Julie Lescaut Fr Dvb Xvid.avi
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by FLL »   0 likes

She was 10 when she started on the series, that's why RFF says 10. It also says "unknown episode" for the OT scene and noone here really knows at this point exactly when it was. She was a regular from the age of 10 to about 22, about half of those 59 appearances was when she was old enough to be of less interest here. Which is why only the first seasons are posted above.
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Yep but only the 1st episode on 1992 and she was 10 on 1993 (the 2nd ep) she was 11...the maths isn't an opinion btw in 1st ep seems like doesn't anything special in


So anyone must to do a massive work for searching the referred ep on RFF... :( :wall
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Re: [REL] Julie Lescaut (TV series) (1992)

Post by KANAREK »   0 likes

Unknown episode: bathtub scene with Babou (10-year-old Joséphine Serre), seen shirtless.

In which episode of Julie Lescaut , she is shirtless ?

Marie Moureaux in Julie Lescaut?

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