paquini wrote:imdb not much info:
Die allein erziehende Sabrina Maurer ist entsetzt: nachdem ihr Ex-Mann heimlich einen Vaterschaftstest in Auftrag gegeben hat, stellt sich heraus, dass er nicht der Vater ihrer elfjährigen Tochter Laura ist. Aber nicht nur das: Eine zweite Analyse ergibt, dass auch Sabrina nicht die leibliche Mutter des Kindes sein kann! Die verzweifelte Mutter wendet sich an den Anwalt Robert Clajus. Doch der macht ihr wenig Hoffnung: Sobald das Jugendamt von dem Ergebnis erfährt, werde man ihr Laura wegnehmen. Es sei denn, Sabrina kann beweisen, dass ihr Kind vor elf Jahren nach der Geburt im Krankenhaus vertauscht wurde. Ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt... "Tochter meines Herzens" ist ein packender Schicksalsfilm um eine Mutter, die mit allen Mitteln um das Sorgerecht für ihr Kind kämpft und es dabei mit einem übermächtigen Behördenapparat zu tun bekommt.
The alone raising Sabrina masons is appalled: after its Ex-man gave secretly a fatherhood test in order, stands out that he is not the father of its eleven-year-old daughter Laura. But not only that: a second analysis yields that also Sabrina cannot be the bodily mother of the child! The despairing mother addresses herself to the lawyer Robert Clajus. Yet that makes its little hope: as soon as the youth office learns of the result, one would take away its Laura. Let it be then, Sabrina can prove that its child became exchanges eleven years ago after the birth in the hospital. A race gradually begins.. "Daughter of my heart" is a thrilling fate film around a mother, who fights with all means for the custody for its child and gets to do it at the same time with a superior authorities apparatus
If anyone wants polish it no problem.
Watched the movie WITHOUT reading the synopsis, and was able to follow the storyline fairly well; and I speak VERY little German:
Basically it's about a single mom who discovers that Laura, a child she has raised for eleven years ISN'T really her daughter and, of course, heart-rending events follow:
Her ex-husband comes to her first with DNA evidence that he is not Laura's father, because he doesn't want to be responsible for alimony anymore. When the mom gets herself tested, it is discovered that Laura's DNA doesn't match hers, either. The mom KNOWS she gave birth to a child that belonged to her Ex, so she surmises that possibly babies were switched in the Baby room at the hospital.
A lawyer that the mom and Laura had met at the beginning of the movie has been helping them, and he and the mom go to the hospital where Laura was born and the mom demonstrates how easy it is to switch babies. They then sneak into the Hospital Archives look at the records and find the name of the OTHER possible switch victim: A family named 'Schramm'.
Family services somehow finds out about the situation, and places Laura in foster care after arresting the mother for 'Child-stealing' or 'Child-murder'.
As for any 'scenes of interest', there really aren't any; a short scene with Laura in a modest 2 piece swimsuit, but that's about it.
I remember a 'Baby-switching' movie that came out on American TV some years back, but it was a bit more DRAMATIC; with one child DYING of some hereditary disease that didn't run in the family that had been raising her, which led to the 'switch' discovery. THIS movie is a bit more down to earth and as NEITHER daughter dies, quite happier!! LOL
Hope this helps. (I could tell more, but I don't want to spoil TOO much of the movie; it really is good, and pretty easy to follow for Non-German speaking audiences!)