[Image]This quote is from German using a free translator, so try to understand
Janni is 13 years old and very graceful. It carries its hair short and usually jeans, therefore holds one it to its annoyance often for a boy. Also director Berger, that comes with its team in Jannis class, happens that, because he seeks a young performer for the roll of 'prince rabbit heart' in a fairy tale film.
Also as one says to it that Janni is a girl, wants it after the sample receptions unconditionally that it plays the anxious little king son. Janni goes in with mixed feelings finally on that. In the class, it, it told would play a princess. Yet the work in the film is something special, and Janni succeeds it, like prince rabbit heart, over itself and its anxieties out increase.
When it learns know in the course of the filming the same age Sabine, this believes would be also, Janni a boy. It issued your brother Sebastian just as, and that felled reversed felled Janni yet fewer, because Sebastian it very well. Sabine is very furiously when it discovers, that Janni is a girl.
The film is at this time almost finished, and its friends and the entire class to the premiere invites Janni. The children do not marvel badly, and Janni can be happy yet very about the fact that it prince played rabbit heart.

Oringinall posted by moritzmecker

thanks, Rich