I have after the following Russian film for about a year now.
It is a true Russian classic.....
Zamri, umri, voskresni (Pavel Nazarov's "Freeze Die Come to Life)
Pavel Nazarov's "Freeze Die Come to Life" is delivered with all of the stark realism of post-Soviet experimental Russian cinema. To be sure, this is an art film. Audiences accustomed to connect-the-dot plot lines will not find much to like in Nazarov's work. Set against a brutal and bleak geographic backdrop (Siberia), the film's main characters Valerka and Galiya serve as intense splashes of desperate color throughout the film. Valerka, especially, stands as the archetype of wide-eyed youth and innocence - a condition slowly drowned in places like Vladivostok. Through circumstance, Valerka and Galiya find themselves associating with thieves and con men, stumbling through one experience after the other unaware of the dangerous path they have taken. The ending is unexpected and delivered with brutal resignation.
Just wondering Linasmi...
Do you think you can locate it

if you can m8