Wow, I have so much to say in reponse...
1. This film is actually already here... it was one of the first ever posted, the first month the board was open. But when Rich posted it he added few details and not even the Russian name, just "Tender Age", so searching or looking for it as Nezhnyy Vozrast didn't work.
Here it is: ... c.php?t=93
2. Searching is sometimes tricky because search sometimes is screwed up due to server problems a while back that caused some database corruption. Also, foreign language characters and spelling cause problems, especially for Russian. You should always try the English name as well as the most common foreign names. Searching for "Tender Age" (with both words required) worked.
3. The screencaps are good and Ok to post, in fact I like your post much better than Rich's

But direct posting of actual clips from CIC isn't allowed. See the following for information on why: ... .php?t=446
That clip and and at least one other are easily findable on Emule without a direct link, if anyone who doesn't have it wants it, but apparently sometimes "Tenderage" is one word
4. Nice post, thanks!