[REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)


[REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by Debaser »   78 likes

13-year-old Pablo is a quiet, lonely boy with a troubled past. His only friend is Julia, a shameless 15-year-old girl who is more than willing to help Pablo with his transition from childhood to adolescence, and give him some advice on sex, love and life in general. On a quiet country road just outside of the village, Pablo meets Paco, an oddly calm, well dressed stranger whose car just broke down. Nevertheless, he seems more interested in the boy than fixing his problem. At first Pablo maintains a cautious distance from the stranger, vaguely heeding his fellow villagers' advice to keep his distance. However, the boy's subconscious quest to find understanding of his dark past and guilt makes him lose all of his protective layers. He sees a new friend in Paco; someone he can open up to and feel valued by almost like a replacement father. As Pablo's affection grows for the man, he is unknowingly and blindly being lead toward a tragedy that will scar him for life..IMDB

There are some OT scenes that should appeal to both girlmovie and boymovie fans.

These include:
Julia & Pablo hanging out together.
Julia teaching Pablo how to kiss (shown in a little more detail when Pablo is masturbating over the memory of it.
Julia being abused by a postman.
Numerous other bits n bobs for the boymovie fans

IMDB shows country: as Canada, hence why this is in that section.
So lets not get a debate going about that.

Enjoy :)


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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by ghost »   0 likes

Thanks Debaser!
It's on his way to my hdd ;)
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by popdrome »   0 likes

Very nice-
cheers Debaser!

:clap :clap :clap
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by Hieronymus »   0 likes

Debaser wrote: IMDB shows country: as Canada, hence why this is in that section.
So lets not get a debate going about that.
OK ...

I know that an Admin posted this (Hi, Debaser! ;) ) ...

And, I know that IMDb has Canada listed before Spain in the country category, but that's only because the film got its first showing at the Vancouver International Film Festival - this never saw a commercial release anywhere, and went straight to DVD. Is it really too fine a point to make that this film belongs in Spain [REL], with the director/producer/writer, cast & crew, filming locations and all other aspects of this production originating in Spain? :think

Wouldn't it minimize all kinds of confusion to simply list films based upon their country of origin? Particularly so, with so many indie films of limited international release - many of which never see release in their own countries due to lack of commercial interest (which was specifically the case with "En Tu Auscencia").

Sorry if I've just tossed a hot potato into the crowd, but I just think it makes clear sense to move this example of cine español to [REL] Spain.

- Hieronymus

P. S. Yes, I'm the guy who used to walk into the the local Blockbuster Video store and "educate" the manager about miscategorization by country in the Foreign Film section ... it's a compulsion, what can I say? :icon_gy
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by idler »   0 likes

I daresay that Ivan Noel is English, not Spanish.

And the copyright as shown in the ending credits is with

Tiny Sumo Entertainment Inc.
161 Bay Street, 27th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2S1

...so this movie is right where it should be...
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by Hieronymus »   0 likes

idler wrote:I daresay that Ivan Noel is English, not Spanish.

And the copyright as shown in the ending credits is with

Tiny Sumo Entertainment Inc.
161 Bay Street, 27th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2S1

...so this movie is right where it should be...
OK ... *sigh*

Ivan Noel, the director/producer/writer of "En Tu Auscencia," is an English-born gent making Spanish language films in Spain with Spanish actors, crew, locations and facilities. Does that make it an English film, then? Roman Polanski was born in Poland and learned his craft in France - would that make "Rosemary's Baby" and "Chinatown" French or Polish films? Speaking of "too fine a point ..." ;)

Since "En Tu Auscencia" has been a favorite of mine, I've read a lot about the film and its maker over the past year or so. Here's what I've learned in that time: Ivan Noel has stated in numerous interviews regarding "En Tu Auscencia" that he was unable to get distribution capital in Spain, which is why he went direct to film festivals and DVD sales through distributors in North America. Sr. Noel himself describes all of his films, beginning with his first film, "En Tu Auscencia," as "Independent Spanish Cinema" - El Cine Independiente Español, not Le Cinéma Indépendant Canadien. I think the actual filmmaker's statements on the subject should be taken at face value. If he says it's a Spanish film, then who are we to dispute it?

FWIW, it also had a U.S. distributor:

Vanguard Cinema
7050 Village Drive, Suite A
Buena Park, CA 90621

International copyright law makes it necessary to register a film property with an established film distribution company (e.g. Tiny Sumo Entertainment & Vanguard Cinema) prior to release in the cinemas, at film festivals and on DVD - that's just the basic legal requirement to protect the the rights of artists/producers/investors, etc.. And, as Sr. Noel was unable to get his distribution funding in Europe (after he had completed the filming and post-production for his film in Spain), he went to where the money was - in this case Canada and the US.

I'm not really wanting to initiate too much back and forth here, but I do feel I've "got a dog in this fight," so I've made as strong and thorough a case as I can to support my position. I'm not in anyway casting aspersions on Debaser or anyone else on the forum - that would be silly over something this unimportant. I just think the categorization got hung up on a bit of legal technicality which created the initial confusion - which I hope I've been able to clarify, without stepping on any toes.

Therefore ...

"En Tu Auscencia" is a Spanish-language film made from beginning to end in Spain, and as such, properly belongs in [REL] Spain.

¡Arriba España!

Here's Ivan Noel's official film production site (all in Spanish), for those curious about the artist and his work. :)


- Hieronymus

[EDIT: I cleaned up the prose a little ... that middle part was a bit unclear in spots]
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by idler »   0 likes

Well, we normally fix the "country of origin" according to the copyright announcement in the credits. That's why you find Roman Polanski's "Tenant" in the "France" - forum.

Only practical way to sort movies like those of Charlotte Gainsbourg or multilateral productions like "Asesinato en lunes de carnaval" or Wim Wender's "Paris, Texas".
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by Hieronymus »   0 likes

idler wrote:Well, we normally fix the "country of origin" according to the copyright announcement in the credits. That's why you find Roman Polanski's "Tenant" in the "France" - forum.

Only practical way to sort movies like that of Charlotte Gainsbourg or multilateral productions like "Asesinato en lunes de carnaval" or Wim Wender's "Paris, Texas".
Sure, I certainly see your point with those sorts of films. They're often made with a disparate mix of multinational casts, crews, producers, directors, locations, distributors and financial backing (just think of Werner Herzog's "Fitzcarraldo," or even the original "Star Wars").

Wender's "Paris, Texas" is a good example of that sort of production, and if a choice had to be made for designating a "country of origin," I can see how Germany would be as good of a choice as France (even though it's an English-language movie, adapted from the work of an American playwright, and filmed on location in the US). That's a truly exceptional case. When in doubt, look to the primary production company's country of origin to determine the "nationality" of any film in question.

I just don't see how "En Tu Auscencia" qualifies as that sort of hard case. It was produced from start to finish in Spain, and the filmmaker says it's a Spanish film - case closed. :biggrin

- Hieronymus
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Re: [REL] En Tu Ausencia AKA In Your Absence (2008)

Post by ptguardian »   0 likes

as long as we can find it in the search. it shouldn't really matter whom is correct.

i see both of your points. i agree with Idler but i also agree with Hieronymus. i have seen many films that were filmed on location somewhere else. but it is hard to decide where they should be placed here when you let your emotional attachment interfere. we all are here to enjoy the films that are graciously shared here and hopefully won't let it become to organized otherwise our focus changes to the organization of the films instead of the enjoyment of the films themselves. ;)

i do appreciate the added info for the film. thank you Hieronymus :cool

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