[REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)


[REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)

Post by Guest »   18 likes

Set in beautiful 14th century Sweden, it is the sombre, powerful fable of peasant parents whose daughter, a young virgin, is brutally raped and murdered by swineherds after her half sister has invoked a pagan curse. By a bizarre twist of fate, the murderers ask for food and shelter from the dead girl's parents, who discovering the truth about their erstwhile lodgers, exact a chilling revenge...IMDB

The virgin spring is a milestone in the cinema story . The portrait of a faithful child (15) who one day decides to make her religious duties . She is dressed beatifully for her beloved parents and in the middle of the forest is raped by two nasty men with a (13)-year-old boy.

Review and stills http://www.dvdmaniacs.net/Reviews/U-Z/v ... pring.html


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English subtitles:

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Re: [REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)

Post by Guest »   0 likes

Apologies for not sharing the complete source over the last couple of days.

I have a loss of internet service, but my ISP currently working on the problem!

Should all be up and running shortly
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Re: [REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)

Post by infiniter »   0 likes

Debaser wrote:...a young virgin...a faithful child (15)...
I saw the movie. What is it all about? No child (people at 15 are no children anymore) there. Virgin? Well, who knows...

It is simply empiric: movies in black and white, especially from those years back in the 50s and 60s never contain any valuable scene.

Re: [REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)

Post by Guest »   0 likes

Some would say you are a child at 15, some wouldn’t. I guess that can be argued until the cows come home.

As for what the film is about, I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer. Perhaps you still need the subtitles :P

Re: [REL] The Virgin Spring AKA Jungfrukällan (1960)

Post by Guest »   0 likes

In the UK one would be known as a school kid until they leave school at 15 or 16.
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