Have found very little info on this short movie. Its based on a short story by the same name, by the author PC Jersild. It's about a boy, who has just moved to a place. He meets a group of young girls and joins them swimming and relaxing in the sun. At some point they discover a couple that enters the bathinghouse on the molo. They find out that they should blackmail the couple, so that they have sex while the kids watch. A tensing psychological drama, both between the couple and the kids and between the four kids....
Some info in norwegian here:
http://www.nfi.no/filmbutikken/tittel.html?id=7243 (sadly the only i found)
and link to the official factssheet in pdf-format: ... x?Id=16392
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It's my own rip from a vhs-cassette that has seen better days. The image above is a screenshot from the movie.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0820034/mongodisco wrote:here are the translated subs.. Hope that somebody with english as native tongue or better command of english, can read-proof these subs.