I'm surprised that this one is not out already as it stars Peter Sellers. I guess it's sorta stuck like Gigot [with Jackie Gleason] in that Celluloid netherworld of hard-to-find movies...
Basically the story is about:
This is another movie that one might be able to catch on UK TV sometime... I've never seen it on American TV, but I don't have cable... I've also seen it for sale on eBay, but the copies are always PAL VHS, and VHS machines are a bit more complicated to transfer to NTSC than are DVD players...Ex Vaudevillian Peter Sellers befriends two kids [a girl and a boy] and begins to believe in life again and encourages the two kids from broken home to be more optimistic about life. A truly compassionate film that says despite your circumstances that there will always be someone who cares.
The two kids are also outstanding and anyone who wants to see London locations other than Tower Bridge and Piccadilly Circus should check this out. A seemingly forgotten film, but well worth seeking out.
Thanks for ANY help ANYONE can offer...
