Pix:I saw the movie, Tooth and thought that people might want to see a kid's review of it. It is a children's film after all, and I don't see how an adult could judge it as one as well as a kid.
So here it goes. I went to see this film with a six year old and an eight year old, and we all really enjoyed it. It was a really cute film with a fun story, fun characters, an evil villain, and a great message. The acting was good and we all laughed out loud many times. I think it is a great idea for a movie, though maybe released at the wrong time of year (I have heard that it was supposed to be out before Christmas, but they didn't quite make it). The storyline was fun, interesting, and had tons of twists and turns to keep you interested.
The little adventure the kids and Tooth take to find Mrs. C is really cool, and they meet lots of neat characters along the way. We all had fun watching the heroes just barely get away from the villain each time he almost caught them. The ending was great fun and had us all wishing we could fly
This is a really cute family film. No OT scenes [some nighty shots, maybe...], but fun in 'Hansel & Gretel', 'Red Riding Hood' sorta way. Other than the first picture, the movie caps are from THIS release!!
ed2k links:

And for those that like the 2 cd releases:

These are my releases, but fear not!! I'm releasing from my parents house and for some reason I have a HIGH ID here!! So get it while you can.
