I watched parts 2 & 3 when this was broadcast last week and really enjoyed them. I wished I had been able to see part one when it was shown, and now hopefully I can.
See the trailer here

Ouch. I went through that a lot for a while when I had computer probs, it's painful. Most likely all you lost are files/directories which were being written to about the time the power blipped. If the .part and .part.met files are actually gone or the wrong size you'll need to run chkdsk to try to get them back, and there's a greater chance the data will be too scrambled to be used. If the files are there but eMule doesn't recognize them (check the logs in the server tab) then you'll need to use MetFileRegenerator, or this might be a good time to upgrade to a mod of eMule which will allow you to import incomplete files. There are a few threads on such stuff here, I think.Debaser wrote:That’s bloody stupid.
My home lights just dimmed, the PC restarted, and now a number of incomplete downloads appear to have vanished including 3 of 3 of this one, and it was almost completed.
I have no idea what else I have lost on my computer, but I do know it makes no sense.
That’s pissed me right off now, I wonder what else has been erased for no particular reason.