[REL] Fallen Angel (2007)


[REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by Debaser »   2 likes

The basic plot is about two long-time friends trying to piece together why the daughter of one of them, David Byfield (Charles Dance), grew up to become a cold-blooded child murderer. The three-part drama starts at "the end" and details the final days of the murderer Rosemary (Emilia Fox, with an excellent performance) when he she kidnaps and holds captive a young girl (Jade Sharif, who played Rebecca in Eastenders until February) with the assistant of the man she shares a house with. The second installment is Rosemary's father's recollection of events that took place when she was a teenager, including the decapitation of a cat and an obsession with a corrupt priest and his journals. Finally it rounds of with Rosemary's father's friend recalling suspicious events even earlier in Rosemary's life that she believes may have set her on the path to becoming what she was as an adult.

I watched parts 2 & 3 when this was broadcast last week and really enjoyed them. I wished I had been able to see part one when it was shown, and now hopefully I can.

See the trailer here

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Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by ghost »   0 likes

Thanks Debaser :dance

I hope you will get part 1 soon :thumbsup
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Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by wizardly1 »   0 likes

I am downloading now and should be a source soon! :)


Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by Debaser »   0 likes

That’s bloody stupid.
My home lights just dimmed, the PC restarted, and now a number of incomplete downloads appear to have vanished including 3 of 3 of this one, and it was almost completed.

I have no idea what else I have lost on my computer, but I do know it makes no sense.

That’s pissed me right off now, I wonder what else has been erased for no particular reason.
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Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by FLL »   0 likes

Debaser wrote:That’s bloody stupid.
My home lights just dimmed, the PC restarted, and now a number of incomplete downloads appear to have vanished including 3 of 3 of this one, and it was almost completed.

I have no idea what else I have lost on my computer, but I do know it makes no sense.

That’s pissed me right off now, I wonder what else has been erased for no particular reason.
Ouch. I went through that a lot for a while when I had computer probs, it's painful. Most likely all you lost are files/directories which were being written to about the time the power blipped. If the .part and .part.met files are actually gone or the wrong size you'll need to run chkdsk to try to get them back, and there's a greater chance the data will be too scrambled to be used. If the files are there but eMule doesn't recognize them (check the logs in the server tab) then you'll need to use MetFileRegenerator, or this might be a good time to upgrade to a mod of eMule which will allow you to import incomplete files. There are a few threads on such stuff here, I think.

For the longer term problem of keeping it from happening again: the biggest key to staying connected continuously for literally weeks or months at a time is to get a UPS. Make sure the computer, the router if one, and the modem are all plugged into it and power blips like you experienced will have little effect.

Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by Debaser »   0 likes

Thanks for that!

Iv been thinking about these CPU's, but seeing as im very low on cash im not sure when I can buy one.

Last one I saw was nearly £70!!

Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by Debaser »   0 likes

This looks good value though

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Uninterruptib ... dZViewItem

What do we think?
I wonder how long the battery life is before they have to be replaced, and if these things cost extra to run 24/7.
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Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by billanben »   0 likes

UPS is the way to go - probably get a basic one for about 70-100 quid DB - after that, UPS takes care of spikes and blips (will shut down PC gracefully). Check first that your PC will support the UPS you are going to buy.

The e-mule logs are usually pretty helpful when it comes to diagnosing what has gone bad, most likely will say "unable to initialize xxx.part" or similar, then open the downloads.txt file, search for the part file and re download - I have found metfile regenerator to be of limited use honestly - easier to start from scratch.
Good luck mate.

Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by Debaser »   0 likes

Thanks. I started from scratch.

I didnt realise only certain PC's worked on UPS's.

Let me know what you think of the one I linked
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Re: [REL] Fallen Angel (2007)

Post by FLL »   1 likes

emuler posted this again, not realizing it was already here. The links had been dead but he brought them back to life. Thanks! Here's his post from the other (now deleted) thread:



The making of a murderer.

Part One: Set in contemporary London, a little girl is abducted by a sinister woman known only as Angel. To the outside world it seems as if the child has fallen into a black hole with only grizzly clues hinting at her fate. Finally, with the aid of family friend David (Charles Dance), the child is rescued, but unbeknown to David, he and Angel are father and daughter.

Part Two: Rewinding back in time to when a teenage Angel was known as Rosemary (Emilia Fox), who is living an idyllic village life with her widowed father, David. With Cambridge University beckoning and a loving rapport with her father, life couldn’t be more perfect. But it all changes when David announces his engagement and Rosemary decides on drastic measures.

Part three: Further back in time to Rosemary Rosie aged five, living with her father in the shadow of one of England’s great cathedrals where David is beginning to build a successful career in the church. But once again Rosie’s intense need for her father’s attention will lead to tragic consequences.

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Thanks to loverboy for helping to spread this. :) :clap
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