This film fits here based on its theme and based upon the lively performance of 15-year-old Reese Witherspoon, if you're a fan of hers you'll want to see this. Patricia Arquette gives an excellent performance as Alice, the abused girl, and plays a teen, though she was over 20 at the time.In this film, which was directed by Diane Keaton, Arquette plays a young girl who is afflicted by a hearing impairment and epilepsy. Her father keeps her locked up in a shed, and beats her and her mother.
When a local girl (the at-the-time unknown Reese Witherspoon) sees what is going on, and that Alice (Arquette) is a really nice girl if anyone would take the time to care, she gets her brother to help. They want to teach her how to write and read, and it is clear through her interest in poetry that she wants to learn. As she gets cleaned up and exhibits what she has learned, the brother becomes attracted to her, and begins to half-heartedly pursue it.
One note, the file plays fine using VLC but on my DVD player the sound gets out of sync. There doesn't appear to be another rip of this available, though.
EDIT: See my post two posts down for another link, one without the audio problems.