a.k.a. Twisted: A Step Beyond Insanity
From http://imdb.com/title/tt0092122/ :
I ripped this movie mostly to post at dead-donkey.com, but it does has FLM interest. The film technically qualifies because it stars a 16-17 year old Christian Slater, but mostly because it stars a young actress called Brooke Tracy.One evening the Collins find their maid Mrs. Murdock at the end of their steps: dead, neck broken. Obviously she had an accident. Consequently they need a new babysitter for an upcoming big party. The sensible Helen meets little Evelyn Collins at the discount market and likes her, so she offers to do the job. She doesn't know Evelyn's teenage brother Mark - technically skilled and good in school, but restive and cunning. As soon as the parents have left, he starts psychologically terrorizing Helen and his sister with electronic tricks.
My rip:
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