http://www.rarefilmfinder.com/showfilm.php?id=7441Slowly... and with horror, the parents realized their children were the slaves of 'The Thing' from outer space!
A glowing brain-like creature arrives on a beach near a rocket test site via a teleportation beam. The alien communicates telepathically with the children of scientists. The kids start doing the alien's bidding as the adults try to find out what's happening to their unruly offspring.

A truly cheesy 1950's Sci-Fi flick with kids as the central characters. There is a paucity of Sci-Fi with kids - this one is dumb by modern standards, but hey, I'm a sucker for dumb and cheesy Sci-Fi anyway, and having cute Sandy Descher in it is a definite plus. Black & white, 68 minutes, dual audio tracks (English and Italian), well sourced, verified, NMR. No OT scenes.