[REL] Mossane (1996) [Senegal]

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[REL] Mossane (1996) [Senegal]

Post by joeybluelion »   0 likes

Faye Safi
Senegal 1996
Die Geschichte der 14-jährigen Mossane spielt im Siedlungsgebiet der Serrer in Mbissel, einem 600 Jahre alten Dorf zwischen Meer und Savanne; der Respekt vor den Sitten und die Verehrung der Geister bestimmen das Leben der Familien. Alle zwei Jahrhunderte, so besagt die Legende, soll ein Mädchen geboren werden, dessen Schönheit zum Verhängnis führt ­ Mossane heisst in der Sprache der Serrer "Die Schönheit". Mossane soll nach dem alten Brauch der vorbestimmten Ehe einen Reichen Emigranten heiraten, obwohl sie Fara, einen mittellosen Studenten aus der Gegend liebt und nur mit ihm zusammenleben will. Der Wille ihrer Eltern, sie so schnell wie möglich zu verheiraten, treibt Mossane zur Verzweiflung und schliesslich zur Flucht über den Meeresarm Mamangueth... Der Film appelliert an den Widerstand der jungen Generation und ist insbesondere den Afrikanerinnen, ihrem Mut und ihrem Wunsch nach Emanzipation gewidmet.



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Re: [REQ] Mossane (1996) [Senegal]

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Re: [REL] Mossane (1996) [Senegal]

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

GoogleTrans wrote:Faye Safi
Senegal 1996
The story of the 14-year-old Mossane plays in the settlement area of the Serrer in Mbissel, a 600-year-old village between sea and savanna; the respect for the customs and the worship of the spirits determine the life of the families. Every two centuries, according to the legend, a girl whose beauty leads to doom is to be born Mossane is called in the language of Serrian "Beauty". Mossane is said to marry a rich emigrant, according to the old custom of pre-determined marriage, although she loves Fara, a destitute student from the area, and only wants to live with him. The will of her parents to marry her as soon as possible drives Mossane to despair and finally to escape via the Mamangueth ... The film appeals to the resistance of the young generation and is especially the Africans, their courage and their desire for emancipation dedicated.
IMDb wrote:Mossane is a beautiful 14-year-old girl who has just reached marriageable age in a village in Senegal. She has many suitors, including a simple-minded farmer's son who plans to drag her away. Even her own brother Ngor is in love with her. However she is in love with Fara, a poor student who has returned to the village, while the university is on strike. At birth, she had been promised in marriage to Diogoye, who went away to work in France. Diogoye, who supplied her parents with many things over the years, has now sent a dowry, and asked that she be married to him in the village in his absence; she would then be sent to France.
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