Contagious 2015

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Contagious 2015

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Hi guys i bring this movie cause it have Abigail Breslin in the cast, so i know she was 18 during the making of this movie but i've see in trailer interesting points and i am curious to watch it...Also i like stories of zombies, epidemy, etc.
I already know that is off topic movie but if anyone found it tell me where i can found also. Tyvm.

Trailer here
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Re: Contagious 2015

Post by monkeylog »   1 likes

Its called Maggie and came out a while ago on dvd in US......shouldn't be hard to find. I too am a fan of both Breslin and Arnold but only ok movie, one time watch. Not great.
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Re: Contagious 2015

Post by kev »   1 likes

Thanks monk, for your short and to the point response to ART's query. I was writing this epistle in the meantime, and since I put so much time into it, I'm gonna post it anyway, dammit!! :lol:
In the US the movie is called " Maggie". It's a slow-moving, character-study of a father-daughter relationship that is tested when Arnold Schwarzenegger's teen daughter, Abigail Breslin is bitten and infected with a zombie virus. He wants to keep her home as she transforms while everyone around him wants her quarantined or 'disposed'.

I've seen this one already and as much as I liked Abigail in the movies of her childhood, I find she's become rather lame and a 'one-trick-pony' [brooding, angst-ridden teen in thriller/horror genre movies] as she's aged.

There's a good bit of info on this movie out there and there's a crappy-quality version of the full film available subtitled [?Spanish?] on Youtube:

Here's the Official website for the film:

The film is most definitely 'Off-Topic' for FLM, BUT there is a ray of light in the movie with a young girl, Carsen Flowers, who plays Maggie's younger sister who, along with Maggie's mom and younger brother, is sent away while Maggie goes through her 'transformation'.

Carson is in some very interesting movies that have either been released under the radar or will be released soon:

2 Bedroom 1 Bath

Runaway Hearts

And one I've REALLY been waiting for: :pray

June, with Kennedy Brice [who played 'Molly' on the series ' The Walking Dead ] in the titular role!

I hope this helped you, ART. :D

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Re: Contagious 2015

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Yeah very helpful both tyvm guys ;)
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