Ivana Baquero other movies

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Ivana Baquero other movies

Post by ARTHORIUS »   1 likes

Hy guys let me bring to your attention this actress Ivana Baquero


Most of you known her from movie Pan's Labirynth and Fragile a Ghost Story...but there're other 2 movies at age 10 and age 13/14 never heard/seen before...don't know if they are FLM approved but maybe can help me in the search...

first two (2004 age 10)

I delitti della luna piena (Romasanta) director Paco Plaza (2004)
Rottweiler director Brian Yuzna (2004)

and the last no info only the title

Die Frau des Anarchisten director Marie Noelle and Peter Sehr (2008)

no other infos for this

Images from Romasanta


Images from Rottweiler


Images from Die Frau des Anarchisten


That's all...Hoping that one of these can be FLM relevant material... see ya bros
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Re: Ivana Baquero other movies

Post by kev »   0 likes

ARTHORIUS wrote:Hy guys let me bring to your attention this actress Ivana Baquero

...Hoping that one of these can be FLM relevant material... see ya bros

Once again, a quick check at uloz.to found both of these films.. ;)

Here's the search link for 'Romasanta':

To be honest, I purchased the DVD for this film a year or so ago JUST because Ivana was in it. It was a waste of money. :cussing

She has very little screen time AND she was pretty much the only child featured. (But you have the links [there's at least 5 or 6 choices] to choose from and check it out yourself.)

Needless to say, after I viewed the movie I decided to NOT rip and post it here as it is most definitely OFF-topic.. :(

For the next film, 'Rottweiler', I only found 2 links available:
1.) http://www.uloz.to/xWaGRZxC/rottweiler-avi#download
2.) http://www.ulozto.net/xHnxhrC/rottweiler-cz-horor-avi

I didn't think I had seen this one until I checked it on imdb. Reading in the synopsis that someone was being pursued by "a bloodthirsty, cybernetic Rottweiler", made memories of this horrible film with it's 'cybernetic', Terminator-esque, hound from hell come flooding back to me.

The director Brian Yuzna worked with Charles band in creating the 'Full Moon' movie production company. Many of the campy films produced by this company are comparable to the movies put out by the 'Troma' company. THIS film was a real [pardon the pun] barker!!

I don't even remember Ivana even being in the film, but I'm sure that that she was the reason I wasted time watching it in the first place. I also can't remember enough of it to say if it was on- or off-topic, but I don't hold out a lot of hope for it.. Again, I've given you 2 links to check out so... (I also can't promise that one or both of these rips aren't dubbed. [IE: They're probably NOT in the original English language..])

The last film you mention, La Mujer Del Anarquista [AKA: THE ANARCHIST'S WIFE] seems to feature Ivana as 'Paloma - age 15 '.. Other than that, for more information you can read the synopsis and review of the film at it's imdb page. :)

Sorry, ART.. Good try, though..


As I said, I didn't remember watching 'Rottweiler' until after I read the synopsis on it's imdb page so when I first found the links on uloz.to I began d/loading them. I just checked the links out and I can confirm that both films are dubbed in Russian [or Czech], and that Ivana is onscreen for about 20 minutes.

Her character pops up about 39 mins into the film and the last we see of her is at approximately the 62 min marker. NOW during that 20 or so minutes, she has significant screen time and handles her role pretty well. If you like her well enough her performance, alone, probably would be worth your time to pursue obtaining a decent copy of this movie.

I remember watching it in English, but I don't recall purchasing a DVD; which probably means I found it and d/loaded it on eMule. Whatever the case, I don't think this film is as rare as you think it is.. :think Overall though, as far as FLM is concerned, I think this movie is also 'off-topic'.

As with 'Romasanta', she's the only child featured, and I'm pretty sure that the 20 minutes she's onscreen in 'Rottweiler' is triple the onscreen time she had in 'Romasanta'.. But, then again, I could be wrong... :twisted:

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Re: Ivana Baquero other movies

Post by kev »   0 likes


Don't forget we also have her here in THIS little chiller from 2005:

https://www.first-loves.net/forums/v ... =22&t=5072

Películas para no dormir: Cuento de navidad (2005) AKA: Films to Keep You Awake: A Christmas Carol / A Christmas Tale

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Re: Ivana Baquero other movies

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Don't worry kev i've tried lol...btw thank you for all explanations...as always you be clearly...see ya bro ;)
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