January 2nd (2007) [UK]

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January 2nd (2007) [UK]

Post by Rich »   0 likes

January 2nd (2007)

Adam, Claire and their daughter Jodie live in a remote sheep ranch in the hills of the Brecon Brecons. With their marriage floundering they're in no mood to celebrate; their friends, unfortunately, have other plans. So when Beth, Frank, Suzanne and Sean arrive for a New Year's Eve party the flow of alcohol has the home-truths bubbling to the surface; in a night of rows, bed-hopping and revenge!!
Might be worth a look, when (if) it becomes available :think
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Re: January 2nd (2007)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   1 likes

January 2nd (2007) UK

IMDb wrote:You know you are in trouble when your girl friends put up an organization chart to explain why you were invited to the New Years Party in the country ... Only in Britain can the New Years Holiday be celebrated with sublime wit and comedy as a re-union of London city dwellers arrives on the doorstep of a modern-day back-to-the-farm family, Adam, Claire, and daughter Jodie, where marriage is as flinty sharp as the hills of their sheep ranch. As friends arrive with untested partner arrangements, the gathering girl friends soon discover after the dinner party that their stalwart male friend, Sean, holds the record of having slept with all of them for all the wrong reasons. And, if January 2nd is too late for new resolutions -- it isn't too late for revenge.
talkingpix.co.uk wrote:And the film is funny based on the characterisations and the banter between them. Never will you hear the line, 'For god sakes, put down the angle grinder', it made me laugh out loud and the best scene is the well conceived one when the misogynistic Sean (Che Walker, brilliantly off his head) after being hit on the head has to talk to Jodie (the daughter of his best friends) about sex and how he just ends it by falling backwards to sleep.
I don't know how much screen time Jodie (Julia Joyce) has but from the second review this could be a funny one.

Anyone know if this is FLM-worthy and/or a download link ("January 2nd" has a LOT of hits on Google :) )?
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