[REL] Amy (1997)

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[REL] Amy (1997)

Post by anygirl »   38 likes






OK, since this is my first time posting a movie and using emule, I don't know if I'm doing it right. I had so much trouble trying to combine the movie files into one movie so there are three parts (wmv) and I created a zip file for them before adding to emule. I am also going to post the three separate parts in mp4 format too, in case people prefer that format. If anyone can work with the files and manage to reduce the size and combine them and repost, that would be great. Please let me know if the links work. Thanks and enjoy!

(for the zip file in wmv format)

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(for the individual file(s) in mp4 format 1 of 3)

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(for the individual file(s) in mp4 format 2 of 3)

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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

Amy is a story of a young girl who witnesses her dad's death on stage at a rock concert. She becomes mentally mute/deaf after this, and 4 years later discovers she can communicate only by singing.
She's a real cutie. I vaguely remember this movie but don't recall seeing it on FLM. I searched here but only found the other "Amy".

I'm not seeing you as a source yet but it's still early. A question - can you look on the "Server" tab in eMule and see if it says you have "HighID" on the eD2K network? If not, this will take a little longer because other people can't connect directly to you, they have to find you through a server. Having LowID isn't the end of the world - we can help you fix it - but it does make it more difficult and slower for you to transfer files in or out. You've already come a long way. :thumbsup

Thanks for posting this.
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by anygirl »   0 likes

Sorry, I was offline until now. I'll leave it online and running for the rest of the day, at least and I'll try to leave it going at night too. OK, I went to the server tab and under my info, I am listed as having High ID. I also went back and under details, I clicked "Add yourself as a source" for all the files. Does that help? I would think that would be the default setting. I'm going to upload and share as a torrent on piratebay too and I'll post the link to that as soon as I'm done because I know that will be faster.

Is there something I can do in emule to give greater access or change a setting to give faster or direct access or something? If I add people here as "friends" does that help? I don't know how to do that either.
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

anygirl wrote:Sorry, I was offline until now. I'll leave it online and running for the rest of the day, at least and I'll try to leave it going at night too. OK, I went to the server tab and under my info, I am listed as having High ID. I also went back and under details, I clicked "Add yourself as a source" for all the files. Does that help? I would think that would be the default setting. I'm going to upload and share as a torrent on piratebay too and I'll post the link to that as soon as I'm done because I know that will be faster.

Is there something I can do in emule to give greater access or change a setting to give faster or direct access or something? If I add people here as "friends" does that help? I don't know how to do that either.
I'm downloading from you now, starfish21 has parts of the file, FLL is downloading from me - everything's going just fine, you've done everything right - good job!

eMule tries to maximize how fast and widely files are spread by keeping "score" of how much you upload compared to download from any specific person. And as people get parts of the file, they start sharing it too and the file gets spread around faster.

To add someone as a Friend, just right-click on them in the Upload window. Most of the regulars here put "[FLM]" in their nick so we can recognize each other. Someone who's uploaded files to you has a higher score than someone who hasn't. As they download from you, their score gets lower. You can also give someone on your Friends list a "friend slot". A friend slot pushes that "score" real high.

Since eMule can only upload to a certain number of people at a time, everyone has to get in line (queue) until it's their turn. A higher score moves you closer to the head of the queue so you start downloading sooner. Someone in the friend slot not only starts sooner but isn't switched away from - usually eMule sends 9MB to you, then switches to the next person in the queue and you get back in line again.

I'd probably turn off "Add yourself as a source" since you don't plan to be online 24/7. This doesn't speed anything up, it just means the servers point people at you before they point them at someone else. I'd also go the the Shared tab, right-click on the filenames and set them to "Release". This directs different parts of the file to different people so they all get different parts... and they can start uploading those parts to each other. If someone already has a chunk that eMule wants to send, it'll pick another one until the file is complete. The result is the file gets distributed faster.

If something I said doesn't make sense, let me know so I can try to explain it better.
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by anygirl »   2 likes

OK, I added two people as friends. I am not online today and won't be until this evening. (I'm posting from work on a different computer.) As I said, I can't stay connected all day. I did set the files to "release" so hopefully it will all be transferred soon.

I have 3 parrots at home and one of them will take all the keys off my keyboard if I leave the computer out. The little shit. Lol! And since I only have a studio apartment, I can't put the computer in a different room (I'm drawing the line at putting the computer in the bathroom just to upload! :) I was having problems with piratebay yesterday so I'm just going to leave everything as it is. I hope you guys enjoy it. I certainly don't anticipate these kinds of problems for future movies I post! :o
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by starfish21 »   0 likes

anygirl wrote:OK, I added two people as friends. I am not online today and won't be until this evening. (I'm posting from work on a different computer.) As I said, I can't stay connected all day. I did set the files to "release" so hopefully it will all be transferred soon.

I have 3 parrots at home and one of them will take all the keys off my keyboard if I leave the computer out. The little shit. Lol! And since I only have a studio apartment, I can't put the computer in a different room (I'm drawing the line at putting the computer in the bathroom just to upload! :) I was having problems with piratebay yesterday so I'm just going to leave everything as it is. I hope you guys enjoy it. I certainly don't anticipate these kinds of problems for future movies I post! :o
quite odd that i noticed that you posted the movie in 3 parrots as well. :)
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by loverboy »   0 likes

starfish21 wrote:quite odd that i noticed that you posted the movie in 3 parrots as well. :)
OMG that's terrible!
If I came out with something like that I'd seriously consider getting my coat! :thumbsup

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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

anygirl wrote:I have 3 parrots at home and one of them will take all the keys off my keyboard if I leave the computer out. The little shit. Lol! And since I only have a studio apartment, I can't put the computer in a different room (I'm drawing the line at putting the computer in the bathroom just to upload! :) I was having problems with piratebay yesterday so I'm just going to leave everything as it is. I hope you guys enjoy it. I certainly don't anticipate these kinds of problems for future movies I post! :o
3 of them! Geez, I bet that keeps you busy. My sister's is like a headstrong 2-year-old. He thinks he rules the roost (and I guess he does in some ways). He won't let my wife near him but likes to perch on my shoulder or hand - makes my wife so jealous. ;)

If your computer's not a laptop, you should be able to unplug the keyboard and put it away with the PC still running. Running eMule when you're not there and when you're asleep might be easier for you.

I agree about the bathroom. When I installed CAT5 in my house, that was the only room I didn't wire - my wife and kids spend enough time in there without having a computer too. :wall

I don't think anyone has your files downloaded complete yet - I'm still at 57%/20%/33%. That's OK... we're patient. From what I've previewed, it looks like a great movie. I laughed at the part where the old lady with the garden hose tried to stop the mom from walking on the street she'd just sprayed and the mom pointed to an oil spot and said she expected it to be clean when she got back.
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by anygirl »   1 likes

I laughed about the 3 parrots joke but only after reading it three times. :) Then I thought about coming back with something about the parrots and piratebay, but let it go... Lol!

Yeah, I wasn't supposed to have 3 and be living here- I was moving to work in an exotic animal sanctuary where they would have lots of birds to keep them company and tons of room to fly around, but the funding fell through so now we're stuck here until I can afford to buy my own island or at least rent a bigger apartment. They are insane and always keep me amused and are definitely in charge. They fly free (thankfully they only go to the bathroom in certain spots, so I keep newspaper there and the truth is that my apt is cleaner than 99% of the people I know who have NO pets! I'm totally serious.) Anyway, yeah, my computer is a laptop otherwise I would be able to work something out.

Well, I'm online again and should be well into the wee hours of the morning and most of the day tomorrow too so hopefully, it will be all loaded to someone else by then.

Lol! I remember that part with the old woman. I laughed at that too. I saw this movie nearly 10 years ago and I could not remember the name at all- I kept thinking it was "Mia" and I searched and searched and finally found the real name. I still can't believe how hard it is to find online. It made enough of an impact on me to remember it and I only saw it that one time so I was surprised it was not more popular. I wish I knew the names of all the great movies I watched in my dorm at NYU. We had a free independent movie channel along with Sundance and NYU shorts. I saw tons of great movies that would be perfect for this forum here, but I never paid attention to the names. :(

Well, I hope it uploads soon and everyone enjoys. I was ridiculously excited to share something that was not here. I think all the movies I have or can remember are already here. :)
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Re: [REL] Amy (1997)

Post by Phuzzy4242 »   0 likes

anygirl wrote:I was ridiculously excited to share something that was not here. I think all the movies I have or can remember are already here. :)
I know what you mean. So many people have posted so many real gems that you want to give some payback and that's hard to do. I've found a few, but I'm not even in the same league as many of the posters here. Doesn't matter - contributing to the forum, sharing files, it's all good.
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