Plot Outline: A young man's mother forces him to live in a basement for one year. Upon his exit, he becomes involved with a group of strange people including a reporter obsessed with pedophilia, and a veiled young girl accompanied by her kidnapper.
Sounds interesting but unsure if ot - sounds good though
[REQ] Shakes 2005
Re: [REQ] Shakes 2005
Coolio find, billanben!! It DOES sound interesting. It also stars Stephanie Cowan who makes it LOOK interesting!billanben wrote:
Plot Outline: A young man's mother forces him to live in a basement for one year. Upon his exit, he becomes involved with a group of strange people including a reporter obsessed with pedophilia, and a veiled young girl accompanied by her kidnapper.
Sounds interesting but unsure if ot - sounds good though
Here's a series of film clips of movies she's in. 'Shakes' is the last clip; where she has her face covered:
Here's her fansite:
Might have to check out her other movies too...
Re: [REQ] Shakes 2005
Going to see if film available on newsgroups yet !!