From twelve- year-old girls decide to brighten up an otherwise boring summer holiday by deciding to help an eccentric old lady who locks herself away, and who the villagers have labelled as a witch. They eventually succeed in making friends with the old woman. However, the girls become detectives when burglars break in and steal the old woman's jewels and pet pig.
Here's a nice little French Canadian film I'm sure you'll like. It's #10 in the "Contes pour tous" series, and the good news is that more movies from the series will be playing in the near future.
Image grabs from final AVI:
If you think the file size is too big, let me know. I'll make my next release smaller. I just wanted to cram in as much quality as possible. There is more than 1 moment in the movie that may make you hit the pause and frame-forward buttons. I wish I had the DVD rip....
My rip:
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