[REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

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[REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by terry666 »   17 likes


From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Katy_Did :
What Katy Did is a children's book written by Susan Coolidge, the pen name of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey. It follows the adventures of Katy Carr and her family, growing up in America in the 1860s. Katy is a tall untidy tomboy, forever getting into scrapes but wishing to be beautiful and beloved. When a terrible accident makes her an invalid, her illness and recovery gradually teach her to be as good and kind as she has always wanted.

Two sequels follow Katy as she grows up - What Katy Did at School and What Katy Did Next. Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published - Clover and In the High Valley - but these are largely out of print.

Coolidge modeled Katy on her own childhood self, and the other 'Little Carrs' on her brothers and sisters.


To date, two TV movies and a brief TV series have been based on What Katy Did. The most recent film (1999) starred Alison Pill as Katy, with Michael Cera as Dorry and Dean Stockwell as "Tramp". A 1972 UK movie adaptation, Katy, starred Clare Walker, and the 1962 8-part TV series – also called Katy, and also made in the UK – featured rising star Susan Hampshire in the title role.

This is a well made movie that I'm happy to release here at FLM.



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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by loverboy »   0 likes

Wow! where do you guys find the time for sourcing/releasing all these gems.
Great release..........thanks Terry! :icon_1dancingban :icon_1dancingban :icon_1dancingban
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by ARTHORIUS »   0 likes

Yeah good work my friend :thumbsup
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by emuler »   0 likes

How true to the book is this? Loved the books as a kid, so I'll probably resent any departure from the plot. Like The Chronicles Of Narnia - which was a good movie, but every little thing they did differently, we picked up on.

The worst offender so far is Alice in Wonderland (Tina Majorino) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0164993/ which butchered the book so badly it left me totally disgusted. IMO only those who didn't read the book (sadly, that's most of the American population) could enjoy that one.

btw. any English subs? Not sure how subs work in Sat TV, but maybe you could record it again the next time it comes around, rip the subs using SubRip or similar, and post them. That capture can then be deleted, so it will occupy your disk space for just a couple of hours. I'll clean up the typos etc. that optical character recognition OCR often produces.
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by terry666 »   0 likes

emuler wrote:How true to the book is this?
No idea. I've never read the book.
emuler wrote:btw. any English subs?
Why would you want English subs on an English movie? You're not implying we only speak French here in Canada are you? ;) If you are deaf, I might be able to record a copy of this (assuming it plays again) with closed captioning on. Any movie I rip will be in English unless otherwise stated.
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by loverboy »   0 likes

You mean to say you speak English?................
and I'd thought English was only spoken in England with the rest of the world trying & failing! :) :) :)

Reading other posts I think you'll find emuler has a niece with a hearing problem, hence the request for subs.
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by terry666 »   0 likes

I checked, but there doesn't seem to be a way to turn on captioning on the sat box itself. I've heard (or did I dream it) of capture cards that will place the closed captioning in a text file. Don't see it as a feature on the card I'm ordering anyhow. Is it possible the captioning is still on the original DVR recorded files, the VOBs? I still have those...


It is possible to turn on captioning in my DVR while recording. Since they would be hard-coded into the image, I would have to rip this and every other film twice. I'm hoping there's a better way. :think
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by FLL »   0 likes

terry666 wrote:Why would you want English subs on an English movie? You're not implying we only speak French here in Canada are you? ;)
He's mentioned several times that he has a hearing-impaired niece.
terry666 wrote:Is it possible the captioning is still on the original DVR recorded files, the VOBs? I still have those...
Quite possible, closed-captioning is in the analog video signal. In the past I've turned on closed captions on recorded VHS tapes.

Get subrip from http://zuggy.wz.cz/ and run the VOBs through it and see.
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by terry666 »   0 likes

I tried SubRip, but without results. I didn't see the CC symbol at the beginning of this film, so I also tried SubRip on the VOBs of a movie that did, "To Grandmother's House We Go". Again, I did not manage to extract the closed captioning.

There seems to be a program called MPG2SRT that might do the trick, but it looks complicated and I cannot find a place to download it. If anyone can post instructions (preferably in the software forum) or a link, I will be happy to extract the CC on my future rips.
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Re: [REL] What Katy Did (1999) (TV)

Post by FLL »   0 likes

terry666 wrote:I tried SubRip, but without results. I didn't see the CC symbol at the beginning of this film, so I also tried SubRip on the VOBs of a movie that did, "To Grandmother's House We Go". Again, I did not manage to extract the closed captioning.

There seems to be a program called MPG2SRT that might do the trick, but it looks complicated and I cannot find a place to download it. If anyone can post instructions (preferably in the software forum) or a link, I will be happy to extract the CC on my future rips.
One of the movies I extracted subs from recently was CC, subrip popped up a message that CC were found. I didn't actually try to get the CC (there were English subs listed) so the other program is probably needed. But if you didn't get the popup from subrip there's no point trying. I'll try to get the other program and try it just for the experience.


Just got MPG2SRT, from http://www.htpctools.com/mpg2srt/

There's a pdf file with some instructions at the address above, but you can safely ignore most of the configuration stuff, that document was written for people who can't already view subtitles. The program itself is a piece of cake to use, just run it with the name of the .VOB and the optional output directory. The first time it ran I got a reasonable SRT file. (Though not as nicely formatted as normal subs, they were in all capitals.) And it looks like you need to process one VOB at at time and splice the results together, but that's easy.

I do see though that I was wrong about the CC being in the video automatically like they are with VHS... that site says you need a card which specifically extracts the CC and places them into the MPG's data stream. The VOBs I tested the program on were from the Tom Sawyer DVD.
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