La Postière

Any information about On-Topic movies broadcast on TV can be posted here.
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Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:00 am

La Postière

Post by terry666 »   0 likes

"En 1935, un jeune Québécois observe avec curiosité les intrigues du monde adulte."

This movie would fit in the young boy/older women genre - my favorite type of boy movie. It involves a 9 year old Quebec boy named Amedee who is about to go blind, and makes it a point to see as much of the adult world while he can. Check out the review at, as it gives a good description of the scenes.

This movie is playing twice on CINEPOP in Canada in the next few hours (Sorry about the short notice), but it replays again too in a few days.

Wed 1/3 - 8:00 PM
Thu 1/4 - 5:00 AM
Tue 1/9 - 6:25 PM
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