Marghe, six years old daughter lives with her single mother Claudia who's been kicked out of her house because of payment difficulties, leaving Marghe to an old woman next door.
In truth, the original Italian title is "Marghe e sua madre", a film shot between Italy and the United Kingdom, as it is an old film, from my streaming & download sources it does not appear to have been released.
2019 is "old"??? Thank you for the Italian title: IMDB needs to update their info, as they have the English title listed for Italy, which seems possible but unlikely. I prefer original titles in Roman alphabet for FLM Subject lines. Not Cyrillic or Greek alphabet, nor Chinese characters. Those can go in the post itself. But having original or alternate titles in a post works well too. I edited the first post to include the Italian title.
All the IMDB Release dates are FESTIVAL dates. It looks like it never had a wide release, just as you said.