[REQ] The Red Children's Army (2008)

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[REQ] The Red Children's Army (2008)

Post by Rich »   0 likes

The Red Children's Army (2008)


In the deep autumn of 1932, there was a Communist children’s corps in a Chinese Soviet areas of Wuligang village, Ruijin, Jiangsu Province. Liang Yazi, Hei Yazi, Zhen Mei, Qiu Sheng, Xiao Shitou were the members of this children’s crops. They kept guard for the Red Army, saluted the military dependant, and arranged satire plays, and were so welcomed by the farmers there that they called them “Baby Army”. With wisdom and bravery they finally defeated the enemy and the Red Army got a great victory in the fourth Counter-Campaign against “Encirclement and Suppression”. In April 1933 a great central children’s corps review of Chinese Soviet areas was hold in Ruijin, Jiangsu Province. Liang Yazi, Hei Yazi, and Zhen Mei were walking proudly in the review troops… ...
Thanks :)
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