Hashing Problems
Hashing Problems
Hi all
Just wondering I have a problem where one of my downloads has stuck hashing to complete for about
6 hours now. Anybody have any ideas on how I am able to get it finish completing.
Thanks all
Just wondering I have a problem where one of my downloads has stuck hashing to complete for about
6 hours now. Anybody have any ideas on how I am able to get it finish completing.
Thanks all
Re: Hashing Problems
Odd, never seen that happen. Any relevant messages in the logs? (Under the Servers tab).
I'd try exiting eMule and then restarting it. It's quite possible the hashing has finished but something went wrong in making the file public, in which case upon restart it should immediately show up without rehashing.
If it rehashes and hangs again, run a chkdsk or copy the file somewhere to make sure the file isn't corrupted and unreadable.
I'd try exiting eMule and then restarting it. It's quite possible the hashing has finished but something went wrong in making the file public, in which case upon restart it should immediately show up without rehashing.
If it rehashes and hangs again, run a chkdsk or copy the file somewhere to make sure the file isn't corrupted and unreadable.
Re: Hashing Problems
That did it, I turned it off and when I turned it on it worked no problem it was complete.
Thanks for this
That did it, I turned it off and when I turned it on it worked no problem it was complete.
Thanks for this
Re: Hashing Problems
Only time I have seen these issues is when disk space is low, or drive is offline. I would check that in the frenzy of wonderful releasing you take part in, you haven't used all your disk space !!!
Re: Hashing Problems
hmm i've had this before when i've had a corrupt part, emule usually sets the file to incomplete and tries to redownload the remaining part
glad you got it sorted
worse is when emule decides to rehash the file with the corrupt part in it, which results in a shared file with a different hash to the file downloaded